Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas to All

Merry Christmas 2010 and Happy New Year 2011. We wish the best to our friends and family both near and far. We've had a great year and I hope to use this unique blog to let you know about it. I know the word "Blog" doesn't sound uplifting - too much like "Blah", which is close to "Bah" as in "Humbug". I hope the added spice of a few pictures and a little humor bring some good cheer from our lives into yours. Feel free to post comments or just let us know how you're doing. (If you click on the images, you can get a bigger version.)The slideshow at right was used at Gabe and Britt's wedding in October.

Merry Christmas to all


innovation for the Developing World said...

Hope you guys have a happy holidays too

Anonymous said...

We loved receiving the holiday wishes and the updates on all of Sons #'s 1, 2, 3 and Daughter 1, child #4!!!

We feel exactly like you, extremely grateful for our family and friends and everyone's good health!

Happy 2011 to all of you!
Mickey & Janet