Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Son #2, Gabriel graduated a year ago with an MS in Mechanical Engineering from Cal, Berkeley. Gabe and Britt Marrett were married in October in Oak Bowery, AL. It was a great celebration, with over 200 family members and friends arriving from all corners of the U.S. to a country manor in rural east Alabama. We were thrilled to host the many visitors - a first time visit to our little college town for some of our family and many friends. I can honestly say that it's the most fun I've ever had at a wedding.

Gabe is gainfully employed at Pacific BioScience, a startup biotech company in Menlo Park, CA - south of SF Bay. Gabe does computer modeling of some process for their patented rapid DNA sequencing machine. Here's a recent article on an application of their machine to decode the genome of the Hatian Cholera Pathogen.

Gabe commutes from Berkeley, where he and Britt and their two dog-children (Nova and Fripp) are living the good life. Britt is a rgistered nurse, still looking for full time employment in Berkeley area. In the meantime she volunteers at a birthing clinic in a rough section of San Francisco, and loves the work. Gabe and Britt were here for a few days before Christmas. We've all had a chance to visit them at various times and love their little house in Berkeley.

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