Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Son #3, Luke graduated this month with a degree in English Literature from Auburn. He is gathering energy before heading out in some direction (yet unknown) to discover something exotic and exciting in the world. Luke is a prolific reader and writer and a born comedian. He is also fluent in Mandarin. So we think he may become a late night talk show host for Beijing Television.

Here is a picture of Luke on the Great Wall. It's a little dated, taken on the first of three of his extended study tours of China. I think it was the most exciting time in his life - full of adventure, search and discovery. We know there's much more to come.


JL said...

Congratulations, Luke and Kitty and Mike. Best wishes,

Judy and Norbert

B said...

Congrats Bro!!


Monica said...

Congrats Luke! Looking forward to seeing what you do next :)