Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy New Year 2011

Here's hoping that 2011 is a great year for you and your family and friends. As they say in Alabama "We've been Blessed". While I'm not always sure I deserve these blessings, I am truly grateful for our caring family and friends and for our good health and fortune. Although we don't always keep in great touch, you can be sure that your love and friendship is counted among our blessings. Our 2011 New Year's resolution, which seems to carry-over every year, is to keep in better touch. Please help us do this.

"...may your days be Merry and Bright..."
Michael & Kitty

1 comment:

B said...

What a great blog! Thanks for setting this will be an awesome way to keep in touch now. You have inspired me to start one for Gabe and Me. Yay for keeping in touch!

Love you,